Thankfully, Friday finally came along and I started a weekend of MUCHEDUMBRES (crowds)! God seemed to know that I really needed a good ol’ dose of humanity, and I had 3 different opportunities to be around lots of people and really enjoy myself this weekend.
(Above is Rodrigo, the 7 month old of 2 of my coworkers ... I'm trying to set him up with Kate Glass!! :))
On Saturday night, I had my second “muchedumbre” experience at a discoteca on the Andahuaylas plaza! I went with 2 friends from work, Angela and Nimia, and we met up with 4 of their friends. We had a great time dancing the night away, and I was shocked that I was still going at 3am, the latest I’ve stayed up here so far!! It felt so funny to be shrieking out the words to “Simply the Best” at a club called “Kreazzy” along with about 100 Peruvians, and realize that I was the only gringa! Oh, globalization ☺
My third “muchedumbre” was on Sunday afternoon at the Andahuaylas stadium, where an Andahuaylas fútbol team played an Abancay (neighboring state) team. Because of a small misunderstanding, I got left at home and had to make my way to the stadium alone to meet Papá and Yordani … meaning that I got to battle the crowds at the ticket counter alone, and search about 10,000 Peruvian faces to find them once I got inside!! Thankfully, I’m pretty easy to spot, so they found me first ☺ The teams were pretty evenly matched, which made for a really good game, and we scored 2 goals in the last 10 minutes to win! Also really exciting was an injury on the other team that brought out an ambulance, at least 10 paramedics, and about 6 policemen with shields!
After these fun events, I’m thankfully starting this week a little more excited to be here. There’s something about sharing the human experience with others that just makes life so much more enjoyable. I’m figuring out that it’s important for me to take every opportunity that I can to be with others here – and there is plenty going on in this vibrant Peruvian life! My biggest prayer right now is that I will be able to really DWELL here, to really EMBRACE life here. I'm so thankful for the relationships that I am slowly building, and that I finally feel like I'm starting to really share life with others. However, it is still tempting to escape, to hold back. I want to jump into life with both feet!!
Como siempre, les agradezco por su apoyo, su amor, y sus oraciones! Con MUCHOS abrazos … Christinita
Stine - I can resonate with your true confessions of being an extrovert! I'm so glad the Lord provided people to energize and strengthen you this weekend! Praying for you as your days and hours and minutes continue to unfold in Peru. I have 9 miles tonight for training, and I often find myself praying for you in these times - Take care sweet friend!!