Sunday, June 28, 2009

Comida (chifa and ceviche and cuy, OH MY!), Cruz del Sur, and Cusco

I am pleased to report that I am NO LONGER in Lima!! I have made it safely to Cusco, and am leaving for Andahuaylas tomorrow night. I am SO thankful that the details have finally been ironed out and I am on my way! Thanks for praying.

This week has been pretty exciting. I spent from Tuesday to Friday at another Paz y Esperanza office in San Juan de Lurigancho, which is the largest district of Lima (a million people!). Grace, a young woman from California who is volunteering at the San Juan office for a 2 year term, was so kind to let me stay in her apartment for three nights! It was wonderful to be out of a hotel and to share life with her for awhile … and also to have someone with whom I could speak English! I was also thankful that we got to exercise together (yoga, pilates, running) as I’ve really missed my daily workouts. Thanks for a great time, Grace!

On Friday night I took a CRUZ DEL SUR bus from Lima to Cusco. It left at 5:30pm and didn’t arrive in Cusco until 3:30pm on Saturday!! You would think that I’d have died from boredom (or a sore butt) … but it was actually really great! The only really tough part was using the bus’ restroom on the windy roads. It was pretty hilarious, actually. I sat by two lovely girls from Scotland and Ireland on their way to do 8 weeks of volunteering near Cusco, and it was fun to talk to them and somewhat travel together. They showed lots of movies on the bus, and also did a BINGO game! Unfortunately I didn’t win the free ticket back to Lima, but it was a good refresher on Spanish numbers. The rest of the time, I was able to sleep in the spacious reclining seat, and watch the breathtaking scenery out the window. Really, it was gorgeous. I had a wonderful time listening to music, reflecting, praying, and just watching the mountains. This is a picture from our one 10-minute stop!

When we arrived in Cusco, my Andahuaylas supervisor Lupe was there to meet me. She is from Cusco and has been gracious enough to let me stay at her house while I am here. Hanging out with her has only made me more excited to work with Paz in Andahuaylas! She is a vibrant, energetic, fun person, and a strong believer. I know I will learn so much from her these next six months, and I will also enjoy myself!

While Cusco is known for Machu Picchu, I think I’m going to have to come back and have more time to really enjoy it. It is only a 10 hour drive from here to Andahuaylas, and Lupe comes home frequently, so I will surely be back. But so far I am really enjoying this place! Today Lupe took me to the “feria” of Cusco – an annual fair with live music, a horse show, and dozens of vendors selling food, art, furniture, hats, animals, and EVERYTHING from all around Peru. It was fantastic!! We walked around all day, ate a LOT, and just enjoyed the lively atmosphere.

Here I am with an alpaca and its owner. They're really cute animals, used for their fur mostly. I think this one won some kind of prize!

And to keep with the alphabetical theme, I need to put a plug in here for Peruvian COMIDA!!! This food is amazing!!! Seriously. I have tried so many delicious “platos típicos” (typical dishes), and have really loved it so far. With very few protests from my stomach. The only time I had a little trouble was with CEVICHE (here’s a picture - before I ate it), which is basically raw fish in lemon juice. I’m working up the courage to try it again, because it is very very popular all over Peru.

Also very common is all types of CHIFA (Chinese food!). There are little Chinese restaurants all over Lima, selling chaufa (fried rice – NOT arroz frito as I quickly found out, haha. I’m always trying to create new cognates), tallarín (noodles), and all kinds of Chinese food.

I have yet to try CUY, but here they are before they are cooked. Yes, they are basically guinea pigs. I am told they are very common in Andahuaylas, so I’m preparing myself for these little guys! I can’t imagine eating one, but I am kind of intrigued by the idea … I’ll let you know how they taste.

THANK YOU as always for your prayers, support, and encouragement. I have only survived these weeks through the grace of God, as I will continue to do so in the coming months. I am so excited to report to you SOON about life in Andahuaylas. Miss you all … Really, you should come and eat Peruvian food ☺


  1. Hi Christine!

    Thanks for doing this blog. It makes the distances which separate us more manageable. I wanted to tell you that Elizabeth arrived in Beijing China today. She is on a two and a half week educational seminar where she completed two weeks of Mandarin and then will reside on college campuses during her stays in Beijing and Xi'an.

    Ellen is working down in Williamsburg VA and saving lots of money. We are going to visit her after the reunion where you will all be missed. I know it will be hardest for O and O as they would prefer their grandchildren, and children, home safe but know that the work that all of you are doing helps heal the world and bring humanity closer together.


  2. Christine,
    It will be fun following you through your blog. I'm praying for you and only an email away if you need me.

    Cynthia Neal Kimball
