Monday, July 6, 2009


This has been my toughest week so far, dear friends and family. I was so excited to finally be going to Andahuaylas to start my new life here ... but I think it just kind of hit me when I got here that I will be here for over 5 more months! I started feeling a lot of despair and loneliness, and was quickly overwhelmed upon arrival at the Paz office as I thought about how unqualified I am and how little I have to offer. Everyone continues to be very hospitable and generous, but it has been easy to feel "alone in a crowd" ... partly because I just started getting to know people, but also largely because I still lack the vocabulary I need to really get to know people deeply, or even to understand what's going on sometimes. It was also really difficult to think about the Verschoor side of the family being together in Chicago to celebrate the 4th together! I wished so much that I was there.

HOWEVER ... there have been many bright spots in the gray of the last week ... and the title of this post is DIOS, because the Lord has not abandoned me! He continues to show me His faithfulness in provision and knowledge of His presence, and He continues teaching me dependence on Him, patience in frustrating circumstances, and humility to realize that His strength is most visible when I am weak! These have not been easy lessons, and I'm surely not finished learning them ... but I know I am not alone. God has provided many opportunities for me to be encouraged by friends and family by allowing me to talk to them online (my family, Luke, Emily G, Courtney, Meghan, Ashley to name a few - THANK YOU for supporting me!). I think my biggest prayer request right now is that God would provide a community here where I can support and be supported, participate, give, and receive ... I am really craving love and attention, and real friendship!! Oh 6 months feels so long right now ... I miss you all :(

But here are 3 highlights from the week!!:

Last Wednesday I went out with my supervisor Lupe to a community called Ongoy. It was supposed to be a 3 hour drive, but ended up being a little more because we got a flat tire ... This drive was absolutely GORGEOUS! I took over 60 pictures just on the ride there!! Here is one of them ... I was overwhelmed by the beauty, and was so thankful to feel God's presence through nature. He is such an awesome creator!

The best part of Ongoy was playing soccer and volleyball with these Quechua-speaking women! It was so much fun to laugh with them as I made a fool of myself, and as their shoes fell off while they kicked the ball ... We had a great time.
(If you can't find me in the pic, I'm the tall gringa with a Cubs hat on - shout out to the Wulbeckers, I've been rocking this hat thinking of you Cubs fans!!)

On Saturday I went to the "Festival de Nispero" with some friends from the office. Kirschner side of the family, I've never been to the Cherry Festival, but I think that's kind of the idea ... They had all kinds of "nispero" foods. Here are candied nisperos - they're really sweet!

We even won free tshirts from the sponsoring cooperative!! I also bought a sombrero to match my friends ... it shades my face from the hot sun very well.

On my left are Ana and Angela from the office, and the other 2 women are friends of Angela's. We enjoyed some music for awhile and just rested on the lawn ... until the long awaited ...

MIS NISPERO 2009 competition!! Yes, a fashion show. There were 8 contestants, 3 rounds - traditional clothing, swimsuit (this caused a stampede, seriously), and elegant dresses. What a riot!! Here are some of the contestants on the stage in traditional clothing. Oh, and there were guys onstage to help them down to the runway. Crazy!!

My third highlight is that I finally moved in with my host family yesterday! I am so looking forward to living in a home with a family. My initial impressions from yesterday and today are that they are very loving and generous, and that this will be a really good experience for all of us (I hope!). My host parents are Grimaldo and Elizabeth, and they have a 13 year old son named Jordany and an 18 year old daughter named Talita who is studying medicine in Cochebamba, Bolivia (shout out, Emily G!!). She will be home for vacation when she finishes her exams in about a week. Also living in the house are a young woman named Lourdes and her brother Danny who study at a school nearby ... 2 dogs (one is an adorable puppy named Esnoopy!!) ... lots of caged birds ... and CUY (remember from last week?), which are not only eaten but run free in the kitchen and eat scraps to help keep garbage down!! How crazy!! I have my own room, and Elizabeth helped me unpack and decorate with pictures yesterday, so it is starting to feel more like home. My bed has about 6 blankets on it because it is so COLD at night! I will be returning home for lunch most days, I think, and eating breakfast and dinner with the family as well. I am so thankful for this family!!

Thank you again for your continued support, encouragement, and prayers. They have really helped me this past tough week! Please continue praying for peace and joy in my life ... for connection with my host family and coworkers ... and that the Spirit would comfort and encourage my heart as I miss all of you terribly.
Love, Christine


  1. Christine,
    I've been praying for you as you have faced some hard personal challenges. God is working through your faithfulness, and fortunately, you don't need to save, just serve. Dios, indeed!

  2. Christine - I thought I would forward along this email from Elizabeth who is in the middle of a twenty day trip to China. Aunt Susan and I leave on Friday to visit Ellen in Virginia. This summer seems to have all of the grandchildren in motion as Emily and Aunt Carla are in Switzerland. Alex and Uncle Rein are on a trip to Estonia. How will Oma keep you all straight I don't know.

    Things in China are pretty normal. It seems that we have finally fallen into a routine. The weather is hotter than ever so sometimes you really have to force yourself to get out of the airconditioned room and into the streets of china. Most things here are so different from those in the US. Two evenings ago I was walking through an alley way that was selling food and other stuff and there were children running around right next to where they had open fires to cook food. My chinease classes have been realy helpfull in day to day activities. I am actually starting to feel comfortable in such a different culture and language. Today we are heading to the muslum market, a huge outdoor market that sells anything and everything. As to the money question, i doubt that i will be rinning out of it soon because things are so inexpensive. My lunch today was only 21 kuai and its seven kuai to a dollar. Love hearing from you. Elizabeth

  3. I´m so glad you made it to your host family! I pray that you will be able to make a connection with them that surpasses words... and that you will have peace in the meantime! I love reading your posts and seeing all of the pictures. I hope the cuy are tasty. : ) Love you and am praying for you!


  4. Hey Chrissy! Well 6 months away from home, imagine a year! However, my life didnt have the language problems (much) and I had the most fantastic host family who became my real family in every way :o) Sounds like even though you have had some tough days you are focused on the one who will provide, love and hold you safe, keep your eyes and heart fixed safe on him.
    You are, as ever in our prayers and thoughts, make the most of the time I promise you from experience the time goes really fast and then you will be sad to leave all your new friends.
    God Bless hun
    Dev, Jonathan and Daniel xxoo

  5. You are very loved and I am praying for you! Thanks for the amazing encouragement you have been to me - i know you will bless the people that you are with immensely, even when you do not think you have much to offer :) You are fully capable of dealing with any challenges you face - always remember that.
